Vision & Mission


The Department of Languages aspires to become a center of academic excellence and research in language teaching and education, aimed at enhancing professional and pedagogical skills nationwide to meet the evolving needs of learners.


The mission of the Department of Languages is twofold:

  1. To provide high-quality language teaching and education that enhances both professional and pedagogical skills across the country, ensuring that learners are equipped to adapt to changing linguistic demands.
  2. To impart knowledge, understanding, and communication skills that enable individuals to meaningfully interact with people from diverse cultures, fostering cross-cultural understanding and engagement in a multicultural world.

The Department of Languages has the following aims for its language courses:

  1. To deliver exceptional language teaching and education that enhances both professional and pedagogical skills across the country, addressing the evolving needs of learners.
  2. To equip students with the knowledge, understanding, and communication skills necessary to engage in meaningful cross-cultural interactions in today’s multicultural global society.
  3. To cultivate in students the ability to use language as a tool for understanding and appreciating diverse cultures.
  4. To foster collaborations and interdisciplinary opportunities between the Department of Languages and other departments, particularly in the fields of Media Studies and Performing Arts.
  5. To expand and diversify the range of language offerings as high-quality service and optional courses in response to the needs of undergraduates at Sri Palee Campus.
  6. To view language education as a means of communication utilized by individuals, empowering them to develop their own intellectual and expressive voices.
  7. To provide undergraduates with opportunities for quality English education, enabling them to become responsible and competent language teaching professionals, thereby contributing to the advancement of English language education in the country.