Sri Palee Campus Cricket Tournament 2022
කොළඹ විශ්වවිද්යාලයේ ශ්රීපාලී මණ්ඩපයේ කැම්පස් රේඩියෝව සහ ක්රීඩා අංශය එක්ව සංවිධානය කළ සුහද ක්රිකට් තරඟාවලියක් 2022 ඔක්තෝබර් 4 වන දින පැවැත්විණි. ඔන්ලයින් තාක්ෂණය ඔස්සේ දීර්ඝ කාලයක් ගත කළ ඒකාකාරී අධ්යාපනයෙන් මිදී වසර හතරක සිසුන් සමඟ සුහදව ගත කිරීම මෙහි මූලික අරමුණ විය. හොරණ මහජන ක්රීඩාංගණයේදී දිවාකාලය පුරා පැවැති තරගාවලිය සඳහා වසර හතරක කාන්තා සහ පිරිමි [...]
Grand Opening of the Computer Laboratory of the Department of Languages
The Computer Laboratory of the Department of Languages of Sri Palee Campus, constructed with a grant offered by the AHEAD Project, was declared open by the Chief Guest, Senior Professor H. D. Karunarathna, the Vice Chancellor of the University of Colombo at the invitation of Dr. Prathibha Mahanamahewa, the Rector of Sri Palee Campus at [...]
Dharmasiri Bandaranayaka Retrospective Cinema Festival – Sri Palee Campus
Dharmasiri Bandaranaike retrospective cinema festival was held on 30 November 2022 at the Arundhati theatre, Sri Palee Campus with the presence of veteran film director Mr Dharmasiri Bandaranayake, the rector, Dr Pratibha Mahanamaheva and staff members of the Sri Palee Campus. In this event, Dr Mahanamaheva presented the "Sri Palee Pranama" award to Mr Bandaranaike by appreciating his contribution [...]
Annual Research Symposium 2022
Research Symposium (ARS 2022) was successfully held at the Sri Palee Campus, University of Colombo on 18th of November 2022 at the Audio Visual Unit under the theme “Creative and Innovative approaches in Media and Performing Arts. The ci-MAP 2022 encouraged academics and post graduate students of Sri Palee Campus to meet and exchange ideas [...]
Final Year Drama Production – (මකරට ගිය රට)
The 2016/2017 Final Year Experimental Drama Production "Makarata Giya Rata" staged on Thursday 5th of May 2022 at 4.30 pm in the Arundathi Theater, Sri Palee Campus. This drama was mainly based on 'The Dragon' theatre play written by the Russian playwright Evgeny Schwartz. Furthermore Hendri Jayasena's adaptation 'The Dragon' and Yuri Machkasov's 'the Dragon' [...]
“Prayama” with Campus Radio
A library extension and book donation event was organized by the "Prayama" program jointly organized by Campus Radio, Department of Mass Media and 2018/2019 batch of Sri Palee Campus, University of Colombo. This book donation event was named "Lowa Dinana Heta Dinata" and through this, books were distributed to the library of R/Bala/Dandeniya Opanayake Vidyalaya [...]
Freshers Championship 2022
A large number of new students of Sri Palee Campus participated in the above tournament this time. There were outstanding talents presented in the competitions. This year Sri palee campus got a total score of 106.5. According to the overall results this time, Sri palee campus won the 9th position. Accordingly, it is special that [...]
Garlanding of the busttha of Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore
Garlanding of the bust of Gurudev Rabindranath Tagor, in commemoration of the 161st birth anniversary of Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore. It held on 09th May 2022 from 2.30 pm onwards at the Arundathi Theatre, Sri Palee Campus.
The Official Visit of the Newly Appointed Vice-Chancellor to Sri Palee Campus
Hon. Senior Professor, H. D. Karunarathna, who has newly been appointed as the 19th Vice- Chancellor of the University of Colombo, paid his first official visit to the Sri Palee Campus on the 26th of April 2022. After taking office, this was the Vice Chancellor's first official visit to an out-of-city higher seat of learning [...]
Inaugural Meeting of the Research and Higher Degree Committee
The inaugural meeting of the Research and Higher Degree Committee of the Sri Palee Campus was held on March 04, 2022