“Make a New Vision in new generation for the Television”
About us:
UCN is the official Television Media society of the Sri Palee Campus, University of Colombo. The Constitution of the UCN was approved by the University Council at its 617th meeting held on the 14th of February 2024.
The constitution defines the following as objectives of the Television Society:
- Provide undergraduates with the opportunity to study television technology and other subjects.
- Develop the undergraduates’ knowledge of film reading, short films, and documentary films for them to create.
- Launching a training program designed to increase knowledge and persuade individuals to adopt television technology.
Our Team:
Lecturer in Charge- Mr Amila Lokumannage, Lecturer, Department of Mass Media
Senior Treasure – Prof. Dharmakeerthi Sri Ranjan, Department of Mass Media
Vice President
Assistant Secretary
Junior Treasure
Committee members
Web and social media team
Contact us:
Department of Mass Media,
Sri Palee Campus,
Tel: 034 2263616
email- ucn@spc.cmb.ac.lk
Our Social Media