Organized by Print Media Centre, Department of Mass Media, Sri Palee Campus

The online discussion forum organized by the Department of Mass Media and Print Media Center of Sri Palee Campus of the University of Colombo in conjunction with World Press Freedom Day 2024 was held on 7th May 2024 from 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm. Following the theme of this year’s World Press Freedom Day, three resource persons were involved with the theme of Green Journalism. Accordingly; Dr. Pratibha Mahanamaheva, Rector of the Sri Palee Campus, delivered the introductory speech on World Press Freedom Day and its importance. Also, Professor Tudor Weerasinghe of the Sri Palee Campus Department of Mass Media delivered the speech on ‘Environmental Journalism and the Impact of Artificial Intelligence’, Mr. Wijayananda Rupasinghe, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Mass Communication of the University of Kelaniya, delivered the speech on ‘Environmental Journalism and its Contemporary Challenges’. Also, Mr Kalana Krishantha, editor of ‘Climate Fact Checks’ delivered the lecture on ‘Combating Dis information and Misinformation related to Environmental Issues. University professors, lecturers, students, environmental journalists, school teachers and students attended this event. It is related to SDG 13 (Climate Action) and 15 (Life on Land).