Our Mission
The Center for Media Research of Sri Palee Campus is concerned with the impact of media on contemporary society and to seek the traditions to promote research, teaching, communal events

Dr.DharmaKeerthi Sri Ranjan
Senior Lecturer
Center for Media research (CMR)
Senior Lecturer
Center for Media research (CMR)
and advanced studies in media and media-related fields and build customs for the media to serve better the communal interest and the development policies at the national and international level. It will attempt strongly with universities, research institutions, and media organizations to produce graduates, academics and other professionals who will then have practical skills and academic foundations to cater to the demands of the media industry in a globalizing era and of novel technological advances. The Center will also be a forum for discussions on media development and serve as a medium for dissemination of information and sharing of research findings. At the same time it would promote cooperation and collaborative ventures among media organizations at local and international levels. Through this, the Center for Media Research of Sri Palee Campus hopes to secure an Asian perspective and a voice in the international media scene.
Key Goals
The Center (CMR) shall strive to achieve the following specific objectives:
- To identify needed research areas in national and international media scene.
- To promote the voice of research and perspectives in the national media scene.
- To be a forum for discussions on developments in media and to support the media and media-related training programs.
- To embark on research and advanced studies in media and media-related fields.
- To assist and guide students and scholars conducting research on media and media-related fields.
- To disseminate information and research, to create new and improved methods and provide incisive interpretations of research findings.
- To generate resources in the forms of industry supported projects and consultancy program.
- To ensure the stability and continuity of the research initiative and promote cooperation and collaborative ventures among media organizations at local and international levels.
- To introduce and improve access to facilities for research information and involving in courses leading to basic and post- graduate degrees in Media.
- To search out the latest ideas and innovations to advance the media industry in an increasingly global and technologically-driven environment.