Dr. Sugath Mahinda Senarath
Senior Lecturer in Mass Media, Sri Palee Campus, University of Colombo
Ph.D. (Wuhan), MPhil (UoK), B.A Hons (UoK).
Diploma in Teaching for Higher Education
Diploma in Chinese Language
Senior Lecturer in Mass Media, Department of Mass Media.
Teaching experiences in higher education
- Senior Lecturer in Mass Media , The Department of Mass Media , Sri Palee Campus , University of Colombo , Sri Lanka from1 July 2003 up to date.
- Assistant Lecturer in Mass Communication, Department of Mass Communication, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka from 2001 to 2003.
Workshop participation’s
- Senior Seminar for Sri Lanka Press and Publication, Beijing, China .Organized by China Publication and Promotion Association & Beijing foreign Studies University ( 2015).
Book published in English
- Gunarathne, S; Pearson; &Senarath, S.(2015)[Eds.].Mindful Journalism and News ethics in Digital Era: A Buddhist Perspective, New York : Routledge [ISBN: 978-1-138-85272-3(hbk);978-1-315-72334-1(ebk)].
- Fernando,C; Paranagama,D & Senarath,S.( 1990)[ Compiled].Children and Television in Sri Lanka , Colombo: Signis Sri Lanka ( ISBN: 955-9459-04-X ).
- Senarath,S (Editor ,2015)[Ed.].Pope’s Visit to Sri Lanka , Colombo: Ministry of Information and Mass Media , Sri Lanka(ISBN: 987 955 1599 09 06)
Books (Sinhala language)
- Senarath,S(2018).Sannivedana Paryeshana Praveshaya(Imprint).
- Senarath,S(2017).Anthar Sanskruthika Sannivedanaya(Intercultural Communication),Colombo: UoC ( ISBN: 978-955-38091-0-0 ).
- Senarath ,S., Zhong,M & Yutyuan,Y. (2015 ), Cheena Janakatha , Radolugama Worldceylon Publishers.( ISBN: 978-955-1548-148 ).
- Senarath,S(2014).Sannivedana Saha Madya Adyana Praveshaya , Pannipitiya :Stanford Publishers.(ISBN978-9566-58-276-5).
- Senarath ,S & YuYuanyuan,Y( 2013 ) Peaking Operava hewath Beijing Operawa,
(ISBN 978-955-1558-528). - Senarath,S & Fernando,C.(2007 ).OCIC Uttamachara, , Colombo : Signis Sri Lanka (ISBN: 955-1628-00-4 ).
- Senarath,S & Feranado,C.( 2007)[Eds.]. Sri Lankeya Sinamawa Widwath Asin , Signis Sri Lanka, Colombo(ISBN:955-1628-01-2).
- Senarath, S.( 2001).Sannivedanaya Saha janasannivedanaya , Madya Book Publishers , Colombo( ISBN: 95597541-0-6).
- Senarath,S.( 2001 )Madya Thakshana Itihasaya. Rathna Book Publishers
(ISBN: 955-569-341-2), - Senarath, S. (1999). Loka Guwan Viduli Seva , Rathna Book Publishers, Colombo
(ISBN: 955-569-283-1).
Journal Editorial
- Member of the editorial, Commuicalogy , Sri Palee Campus, University of Colombo, Sri Palee Campus Horana: (ISSN 2012-8088).
- Member of editorial, Janamadya Wedaya: Madya Adyana saha Vichara(Vol:5), Centre for Media and Communication Research, Horana:ISSN: 1800-0041
Book chapters in Sinhala
- Senarath,S.(2017). Janamadya Viparinamaya: Prabhu, Janakantha-Vishistikarana wakraya.Aruna Lokuliyana and Wijayananda Rupasinghe (Eds), Sandasara,Kelaniya: Mass Communication Department (ISBN: 978-955-704-029-5).
- Senarath,S (2017). Savana Digukala Guwan Viduliya,.In Guwanviduli Sameeksha. Valeboda et al (Eds.).Colombo, Ministry of Cultural Affaires .pp.126-130.
- Senarath,S(2015). Handunagatayutuwa Ati Handagama Lakuna. In Handagama Soyayama,Uditha Gayashan Gunasekara(Ed.), Colombo: Fast Publishing,pp.67-72. (ISBN: 978-955-677-461-0).
- Senarath,S.( 2012).Ashleela Jayarupa Bavithaya :Awaranaya Nirawaranayakota Anawaranaya Kireemen Hatagath Gataluwa. In Prabalekhana Sanhita , Uditha Gayashan Gunasekara(Ed.) , Colombo:Sri Lanka Jathika Chayarupa Kala Sangamaya,pp:153-157.(ISBN: 2012-8401).
- Senarath,S( 2012 ) Goliya Madya Hamuwe Jatika Nidahasa.In Nidahasa 64, Sena Nanayakkara(Ed.). Colombo: Government Information Department.( ISBN: 978-955-9073-17-8).
- Senarath,S(2005).Goliyakaranaya saha Madya Bumikawa.Tudor Weerasinghe & Dharmakeerthi Sri Ranjan (Eds), Janamadyavedaya,Horana: Sri Palee Campus( ISBN: 1800-0401).
- Senarath,S(2001),Sri Lankawe Video Chitrapata ha Samaja sambabdatha. Sunanda Mahendra et al(Eds). Sannivedana, Colombo: Godage book publishers ( ISSN:1391=6777 ).
Book chapter in English
- Senarath,S.(2018). Asian Model of the Mindful Communication for the 21st Century. Aruna Lokuliyana and Wijayananda Rupasinghe (Eds), Piyasara,Kelaniya: Mass Communication Department (ISBN: 978-955-704-081-3).
- Senarath,S.(2017).Kalyanamitta: Mindful Communicator .In The Noble Path of Load Buddha,Sunanda Mahendrs, Wellala Bandula & Niroshan Thambavita(Eds.). Colombo: Ministry of Parliamentary Reforms and Mass Media, pp: 20-28.
- Senarath,S( 2015 ). Essays. In Alice in a World of Wonderlands: The Translations of Lewis Carroll’s Masterpiece (Vol.1.), Jon A Lindseth(Ed.), New Castle: Oak Knoll Press.
- Senarath,S( 2015 ). Back Translation 1963. In Alice in a World of Wonderlands: The Translations of Lewis Carroll’s Masterpiece (Vol.2), Jon A Lindseth(Ed.), New Castle: Oak Knoll Press.
- Senarath,S( 2015 ). Back Translation 2007. In Alice in a World of Wonderlands: The Translations of Lewis Carroll’s Masterpiece (Vol.2.), Jon A Lindseth(Ed.), New Castle: Oak Knoll Press.
- Senarath,S( 2015 ). Check list. In Alice in a World of Wonderlands: The Translations of Lewis Carroll’s Masterpiece (Vol.3.), Jon A Lindseth(Ed.), New Castle: Oak Knoll Press.
- Senarath.S & Bo,S. (2011). Post Tsunami Media Behavior in Sri Lanka Henrique de Barros(Ed), Reshaping Natures: Social impacts of environmental change on rural communities, Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.
Book Chapters in Chinese language :
- Senarath,S(2017 )“正念”的跨文化传播:一种佛教哲学的路径. 单波 刘欣雅 主编 (Eds). 国家形象与跨文化传播,China: Social Sciences Academic Press(ISBN: 978-7-5201-1426-4).
- Senarath,S(2015 ). 斯里兰卡中资公司里的中国工人:跨文化关系研究;文化冲突与跨文化传播;单波,肖珺 主编;社会科学文献出版社 ( ISBN: 978-7-5097-8188-3)
- Senarath. S.(2015 ). Eco Journalism. In Teaching Journalism for Sustainable Development: New Syllabi, Frackson Banda (Ed.). France: UNESCO (ISBN: 978-92-3-100118-5).
URL: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0023/002338/233878e.pdf
International conferences:
- Senarath,S. (2017). “Kalyanamitta”: Mindful Intercultural Communicator. A study on the ‘communicator’ in Asian Perspective The 9th International Conference on Intercultural Communication (ICIC2017),Wuhan University, China.
- Senarath,S & Senavirathne,K.(2016). Improve Asian Journalism in the new media environment: Asian model of Mindful communication for 21st Century. Asian Forum for Deans of Journalism and Communication, Shanghai, China
- Senarath,S( 2016 ).Mindful Communication for Good Governance: A Buddhist Approach, Workshop Program for Mindful Communication for ASEAN Integration Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand ,July 4-12, 2016
- Senarath,S ( 2015 ). Image of Chinese Foods among Urban Communities in Sri Lanka 2015 International Conference on Chinese Food Culture, University of Tours,France (ISBN 9789866325243)
- Senarath,S( 2015).Mindful Intercultural Communication, The 7th International conference of Intercultural communication, Wuhan University, China.
- Senarath, S. (2013). Intercultural relationship of Chinese workers at Chinese –owned companies in Sri Lanka. The 7th International conference of Intercultural communication, Wuhan University, China.
- Senarath, S (2011).The representation of Sri Lankan indigenous (Vanniyala Atto) people on television news: A study in Intercultural Perspective. Interdisciplinary Symposium of the faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS); University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka.
- Senarath,S(2009).The Impact of Indian Television Programs on Daily Life Style changes of the Sri Lankan Audiences : A Study on Intercultural perspective, Wuhan University: Wuhan.
- Ihalagama,S & Senarath,S.(2008).Reading Habits and Children’s Literature. Children’s Literature Association of India, 2nd International Conference, Karnataka, India.
- Kang,C et. al (2006)Made in China : Ethnocentrism in young Chinese. The Fifth Wuhan International Conference on e-Business, China, pp: 1953-60.
- Member of the research team /report writer , A brief study of socio political and ethnic news resulting the image of distortion of Sri Lanka -2000 ,Department of Mass communication , University of Kelaniya , Sri Lanka.
Other qualifications:
- Sports Coordinator(2018), Sri Palee Campus
- Host, conference panel session “The Belt and Road Initiative, Multiculturalism and Intercultural Communication”. The 9th International conference on Intercultural Communication (ICIC2017), Wuhan, November 2017.
- Coordinator, International Symposium on Media and Diversity, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2010
- Soft Skills coordinator: HETC project (Higher Education for the Twenty First Century Project), Sri Palee Campus, University of Colombo, 2011-2013.
- Grant coordinator, HETC/IDAS project, Sri Palee Campus ,2014.
- Co-Chair, National Summit for Media Reforms in Sri Lanka –May, 2015.
- Examination coordinator
- Member of research evaluation team, Sri Palee Campus, University of Colombo.
Research interests:
- Communication Theory
- Intercultural Communication
- Public Relations
- Communication research
- Mindful Communication/Journalism
Contact Details:
- (Office ): The Department of Mass Media , Sri Palee Campus , University of Colombo, Wewala, Horana(12400), Sri Lanka.
Phone: (0094)342263616
Fax:(0094)342265553 - Email: sugath@spc.cmb.ac.lk , Sugathsenarath@hotmail.com