Aptitude Test 2021
විභාගය සඳහා අවශ්ය ලිපිලේඛන, වීඩියෝ සහ සහතික පත්ර ශ්රී පාලී මණ්ඩපය වෙත LMS එක හරහා එවීම සඳහා ලබා දී ඇති කාලය 29.07.2021 දින දක්වා දීර්ඝ කර ඇත. සහකාර ලේඛකාධිකාරී ශ්රී පාලි මණ්ඩපය.
Graduate Opinion Survey 2021
The graduate opinion survey google forms should be sent only for those who have passed out between 2016 – 2020. The google form links for Graduate survey are given below.Sinhala medium Link:https://forms.gle/BvmJWXef8Zm74pLJ9 English medium Link:https://forms.gle/AbrC6zBTNQKDmzxr6 Tamil Medium Link:https://forms.gle/6ZmjUcxZUz8Lk6du8
Graduate Opinion Survey 2021
The graduate opinion survey google forms should be sent only for those who have passed out between 2016 – 2020. The google form links for Graduate survey are given below.Sinhala medium Link:https://forms.gle/BvmJWXef8Zm74pLJ9 English medium Link:https://forms.gle/AbrC6zBTNQKDmzxr6 Tamil Medium Link:https://forms.gle/6ZmjUcxZUz8Lk6du8
Aptitude Test Registration-2021
The first semester lectures
2021 ප්රථම සෙමෙස්තරයේ අධ්යන කටයුතු ජුනි මස 3 වන දින ආරම්භවේ. ඒ සඳහා කාල සටහන් නුදුරේදී නිකුත්වේ.The first semester lectures of 2021 will be conducted from the 3rd of June. The timetables will be posted shortly.